Online Connect Card FAQ
Here are some common questions we get about our Online Connect Card. Feel free to email us at if you need any other questions answered that aren't listed here!
A Connect Card is more than just a form. It’s a way for us to get to know you and help you become a part of our community at Renew Church.
Filling out a Connect Card lets us know how we can best serve you, answer any questions, and connect you within Renew Church.
Yes, filling out a Connect Card is safe. Your information will only be seen by members of our ministry team. You do not have to put more information on the Connect Card than you want.
When a Connect Card is turned in, a designated staff member determines who should receive the card. Prayer requests go to our prayer teams. For anyone wanting to learn more about the church or how to become a Christian, their card goes to a pastor. Personal information is entered into our data base which can only be seen by staff members and is not shared with others.
No! We will not annoy you with a ton of emails. At Renew Church, we value your time and will only contact you in the way you prefer and with the information you need. An initial email or letter will be sent to welcome visitors with a follow up visit by our Welcome Ministry. This ministry only drops by to leave a small gift and information about the church.